"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Quiet Week

Sorry I didn't post yesterday.  When I tried to call, I couldn't get through.  Today was a breeze.  I interrupted movie night at the school, but we had a nice visit.  The call went through right away and we weren't cut off.  Alot of times we lose the connection; and it can take three calls to finish a conversation. 

It's a quiet week.  Just going to language lessons every day; but they are paying off.  Michelle had a nice visit with Baba (Lydia's mother-in-law) on the porch one day.  Baba said "good very good" about Michelle's Macedonian.  Michelle was pleased and proud. As I mentioned before in an earlier post, Michelle would like to get to know Baba before she leaves to her site.      

Saturday will be "Field Day" in Skopje.  This is when all the PCVolunteers and Trainees in Macedonia get together for the day at a school (there's around l00) .  A big part of the day is the Rummage Sale.  This is where the PCVolunteers who are leaving can sell things that they don't want to take back with them the end of November to the PCTrainees who are coming in.  Sounds like fun.     

I won't be posting until Sunday; Michelle said she would try to get some pictures up if she can.  Kathy

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