"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Field Day

As I mentioned earlier, Saturday was Field Day. The group left Losovo at 7:00 a.m. on the train.  It was held at an International School  in Skopje and run by the MACl3's and MACl4's.  They all brought dishes/food and ran all the events.  Some of the food was PBJ sandwiches and Sloppy Joes, all American favorites.  One game was like speed-dating.  All the l3's and l4's formed an outside circle around the MACl5's (Michelle's group).  They they walked around, stopped and each gave a brief bio about themselves.  Michelle met a dentist from Texas!!  Then there was the rummage sale.  Jordon, who is heading home in November, sold everything!!! Michelle got an iron (brand new never taken out of the box) for 200 dinar or the equivalent of $5.00.  In Veles she saw an iron for l,000 dinar or $20.00 --- what a deal!! 

After the event, Michelle's group went back Skopje and found an Irish pub!!!   They then went to the Mall where Michelle bought some postcards.  

Today was a quiet day.  Michelle visited with a neighbor who kept asking her over for coffee.  She had a good visit.  Michelle says that she and her group understand the language when they hear it but aren't fluent with speaking yet.  Their language teacher said that this is normal.  So Michelle enjoyed "listening" and having coffee.  She said that the more she listens the more she will learn.   

Thursday, Michelle's group will find out where their "site" will be.  The following week they will all go to their designated site for three days in preparation for their move on November 25.  Everone is excited.  I'll post on Thursday.  Kathy   

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