"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Every other Friday will be HUB Day.  That's the day that all 38 volunteers get together( in Kumanovo, the city where they all first started in Macedonia) for meetings and seminars and catch up.  Michelle said that all the volunteers were very happy to see each other and visit.  They got to hear about their various host family/situations.  All of the volunteers who were in cities were staying with widows.  It is required of any host family to provide a PCVolunteer with a bedroom.  So these widows gave up their bedroom and are sleeping on the couch.  Some of the 60- something volunteers in rural ares are dealing with turkish toilets.  Kate, who lives in Michelle's town has a huge flat screen tv and internet but a turkish toilet.  Michelle said that she'd live without internet; prefers having a toilet.

One story from Link, who lives in Lovoso, is now being called the Rabbit Story.  One day Link's family was very excited, talking about having rabbit for dinner.  So during the meal, which was good, Link asked the family where they got the rabbit. The response, "Oh we hunted for it."  Link asked how -- did you use a trap or a gun.  The response,  "No a car."  Dinner that night was road kill.  Michelle says she doesn't ask where things come from anymore!!!

Saturday night was Kate's birthday so the eight volunteers gathered at her host family's home for a movie and, of course, cake!!!!!

Sunday was a quiet day.  Michelle took Melanie to the park.  While we were talking, Michelle said she heard running water and that Lydia was probably doing laundry (she takes care of Michelle's) and Michelle said she hoped that there would be enough hot water left so that she could take a shower.  She has hot water but with five people and a small hot water heater you take a quick shower.

Monday and Tuesday she and Kate will be back in Veles in the morning and returning to Lovoso for afternoon classes.  She is taking pictures around town and hopes to post soon.  She was going to post Saturday at Links' house, but one of the host family's sons is in a band that plays at weddings and he had a "gig" that day and invited Links to go with him so that he could see a Macedonian wedding. So I'll post again on Tuesday; hopefully, Michelle willl have access to the internet sometime this week so that you'll get to see Lovso.   Kathy


  1. Ok, so what is a "Turkish toilet"? Inquiring minds want to know. I shall Google it, but I am not holding out a lot of hope for hits with pictures...

  2. Google and Wikipedia are my friends. Nevermind.

    I'm worried about grandma upstairs. Is there some sort of crane option to return the user to a standing position? I'd need one.

    But wait, we're in luck! There is a guide book. Who knew basic life could be so complicated?

