"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Killing of the Pig

OK, so here we go again.  Meat in Macedonia or Lozovo doesn't come on plastic trays covered in saran wrap.  It's the real thing.  Saturday afternoon, Lydia took Michelle over to Tete's (Lydia's daughter-in-law) parent's house for the "killing of the pig."  Michelle said that when they arrived, the killing was over with --- for which Michelle was extremely grateful.   Then they proceeded to cook/eat every bit of the pig.  The ears and feet were next to the area where they were cooking.  One "delicacy" was pig fat wrapped in intestines --- Michelle passed.  She did eat meat (or ham to her) and vegetables.  Michelle was very polite in indicating what she would and would not eat -- and the family was respectful of her choices.  It definately was not Red Hot and Blue!!!!!

Earlier that day the group went to Probistip (a city) for classroom management workshops.  It was about l hour and l5 minutes away from Lovoso.  It was run by two current PCVolunteers, Maggie and Casey, and one PCorps staff member.  By the way Maggie is extending her PCorps commitment another year.  She is part of group MACl3 (Michelle's group is MAC15).  Michelle found out that alot of the MAC13 group are extending their PCorps commitments another year.  Michelle liked Probistip; and she said that the school was very nice.

Today, the group went to Veles (where Michelle's school is located) to check it out.  Little did they know that everything is closed on Sunday.  There were clothing stores.  Michelle has heard that clothing is limited  --one or two sizes for each item.  There was a grocery store that carries everything but fresh produce.  You buy those at the open air markets.  There was a "pub" that was open; so they all went in and had a cup of coffee.

Remember Auntie's package??? Well ,Auntie also sent two Sesame Street books for Melanie.  Melanie can now say Elmo, Grover and Cookie for Cookie Monster.  BUT one of the books has the push-button-talk-device with Elmo's voice.  Well, Melanie hits it over and over and over and over again.  Thanks Auntie!!! One day, hopefully soon for Michelle, the battery will run out .  Poor Melanie no American-made batteries there.

Michelle plans to bring here laptop with her to school where she is taking her languages lessons now that they have internet and will try to post and put up more pictures.  If not, Michelle and I will be talking on Tuesday and will post then.  Kathy 

1 comment:

  1. First of all...gross! Second of all, ewww!!! Third of all...I am so sorry! And finally, why are you referring to yourself in third person? Oh, and one more thing, I have yet to receive a reply from you missy! Miss you!
