"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Return to Lozovo and Resource Day

Michelle headed back to Lozovo Sunday morning.  Irena gave her a big bag of apples to share with her family and friends.  It was a quick but wonderful visit.  Michelle will head back to Resen on the Friday after Thanksgiving to live.  She has found out that she will have a one bedroom apartment on the 4th floor (top floor) of an apartment next to where Irena lives.  Michelle found out that it is the school's responsibility to find accommodations for PCVolunteers.  The PCorps then comes in to check and approve.  They must also provide the basics:  a stove, bed, table and couch.  Michelle will also have a bathroom with a hot water boiler.  Wonderful accommodations for the PCorps!!!! She will also be given 5,000 dinars or $100 to buy pots, pans, sheets etc.  No washer or dryers in Macedonia.  So Michelle will get a drying rack and wash her clothes by hand.  Earlier, the PCorps provided the group will room heaters while they were with their host families when it got cold a little bit earlier than usual; she will be bringing that with her when she moves.  She will also be able to get internet (at her expense).   Michelle is extremely excited and pleased with her living situation.

On Monday, the group headed to Skopje for "Resource Day."   They visited The American Corner there and the British Counsel  where they talked about teaching and community development.  They also visited the English Center where they distribute textbooks from the Oxford Book Company.  She said that they had all types of books.  For lunch they went to the RamStore Mall, which is the only mall (like Tysons) in Macedonia.  You walk through the doors and head up the escalators and there at the top was a McDonald's!!!!!!!! It was in a food court.  Michelle had Chinese food --- a spicy peanut chicken on brown rice for about $4.00.  It was a huge portion and delicious.  Most of the group headed to McD's!!!!!!! Afterwards they went to an ice cream place where Michelle had fig ice cream --- another huge portion for about 50 cents.  It was freshly made and amazing.

The group then went to the PCorps headquarters.  When they walked in, the first thing they saw was the reference desk (reception) and on the wall behind the desk was a picutre of every current volunteer in Macedonia!!!! Michelle loved it!!!!! They also found out that they each have a mail box to use for inter-PCorps mailings; so they can contact other volunteers if they would like.  The office has a library and a medical examiner's office.  This is where everyone goes to for medical attention.

While they were traveling into the city in the morning by bus they got caught in traffic with everyone going to work.  Michelle she got so excited because it reminded her of home!!!!!   Everyone in the group was laughing at her because she was so excited about the traffic!!!!  There was actually a heard of sheep walking through the city amongst the cars.  You won't find that in No.Virginia.  There's no such thing as traffic in Lozovo just buses, people walking and cattle!!!!

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are language lessons.  The group is getting ready for Friday when they take their LPI or Language Proficiency Interview.  They need to pass at an intermediary level.  Michelle feels confident they she'll do well.  If they feel unsure, the PCorps will provide additional tutoring at their assigned sites.

Enough for today; will post  again on Sunday.  Kathy    

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