"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Harry Potter and a Big Mac!!!!!!!!

Saturday Michelle's group went back to the mall in Skopje to see the new Harry Potter movie.  Their Language Teacher's son works at the mall and got them all tickets.  It was in English with Macedonian subtitles.  It was a little noisy due to the fact that the kids were just watching and talking not reading the subtitles.  Michelle's group didn't care, they got to see Harry Potter on opening day!!!! while they were in the Peace Corps!!!  and a Big Mac on top of it!!!!  Michelle ordered her Big Mac in Macedonian and she said that the people waiting on her gave her the thumbs up that she did ok.

Friday they did the language evalutions and Michelle felt that she passed --- they get the results on Monday when they are in Kumanovo for their last HUB meeting.  Michelle has decided that she will take advantage of the additional lessons offered by the PCorps when she gets to Resen.  Just to be safe.

Tuesday and Wednesday they are going to wrap up the language lessons by learnng how to answer questions like "What is the PCorps?" "Why are you here and what do you do?"

Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) is a big day.  All the trainees will go to a restaurant in Kumanovo. 
The PCorps ordered turkeys from the US in August.  Each of the groups is assigned to bring either appetizers, vegetables, deserts etc.  The restaurant will cook the turkeys for the feast.  Each  of the trainees can bring two host family members. All the PCorps Volunteers in Macedonia are also invited for the feast.  At the end of the dinner, all the PCorps trainees will be sworn in as PCorps Volunteers.  They will then sing
our national anthem and the Macedonian national anthem.   When Michelle gets back to her host family's house we'll have a family telephone call. We'll all be at home waiting to congratulate her and have a nice family visit on the phone.  Friday Michelle will say goodbye to her host family and head to Resen where Irena will be waiting for her when the bus arrives.  It will be tough saying goodbye; but Michelle has already mentioned that she will be back to visit her host family during their Christmas in January. 

With a busy week ahead I probably won't post again until Saturday.  Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Kathy         

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