"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Meeting Irena

As mentioned in my last blog, the group went to Kumanovo to meet with the Counterparts that they met the previous week visiting their sites.  Michelle met with her new Counterpart, Irena, from Resen.  Michelle said that she was wonderful and that she and her new school were very excited about Michelle's coming to Resen.  Michelle will be working with 3/4 English teachers (3 that work at the school and another that works at two satellite schools). They are all very young and work and socialize alot together.  Michelle and Irena planned out her first month there.  The first week as introduction to the school and staff and observing.  Then phasing her in a little bit each week.  Michelle heard that the school has a Resource Room that has been neglected.  She jumped on that and plans to update and organize (one of Michelle's loves) the Resource Room with binders of lesson plans and resource materials.  She said that the teachers are very open to new ideas and teaching methods.  They are also open to after-school teaching seminars and clubs.  Macedonian schools run on 1/2 day schedules.  Michelle's school closes at l:30 each day.

While visiting with other Counterparts, Michelle heard of a place in the nearby city of Bitola (which is the second largest city in Macedonia and a 20 min bus ride away) called "The American Corner."  There PCVolunteers can go to get books in English and where ESL classes,  tutoring and workshops are available to Macedonians taught by the PCVolunteers.  During the discussion, Michelle mentioned that she ran over l00 workshops during her tenure as President of the SVEA.  The Counterparts were very interested, and this could be another venue for Michelle to get involved in.   

With teaching, teacher-training, the Resource Room Project and The American Corner, Michelle is very excited about her new assignment and all that she can do.

Irena mentioned that the teachers at the school do alot together in their spare time, including weekly aerobic classes.  Irena also mentioned that Resen is a beautiful little city with alot of historic architecture.  The PCorps is currently looking for an apartment for Michelle so she will hear about that later. 

So Tuesday was a great day and Michelle is very excited about her next step the end of November.  The rest of the week will be language lessons.  We'll talk again on Sunday and I'll post then.  Kathy 

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