"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Lazy Weekend

Saturday --Melanie was up at 8:00 but Michelle laid in bed until around 9:00.  After breakfast, Michelle, Lydia and Melanie went to a neighbor's house.  The neighbors have two daughters 21 and 23 and they made "penja(?) " which is another Macedonian delicacy made with red and green peppers and tomatoes.  Michelle wanted to help but they said no you are our guest.  So she watched and will learn later.  Two PCorps volunteers walked over to Michelle's house later and they visited and ate watermelon.  Then Michelle had stuffed peppers for lunch.  That evening Michelle and the other PCorps volunteers were invited over to Ricky's house.  He is the current PCorps volunteer stationed in Losovo (which is one hour south of the capitol Skopje).  They got to see what type of accomodations a volunteer would be provided when they get their assignments the end of November.  Ricky has a house with two bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen and living area.  He also has cable tv and wireless internet.  In fact, Ricky upgraded his cable coverage to include ESPN so they all watched the Arkansas/Alabama game.  Needless to say because of the time change Michelle went to bed late that night. 

Michelle brought over a mini-album with pictures of her home and family to share with her host family.  They leave it on the table in the living room and when people visit they show it to them.  They like to show the pictures of the house and the living areas (living room, kitchen and family room) because the rooms are large to them.  Michelle said that the square footage of her host family's home is the same as our master bedroom suite.

Sunday --- Melanie was up at 7:30!!!! Michelle again laid in bed for awhile because she came in late.  Melanie was excited because it was her Daddy's birthday (KiKi).   In Macedonia when it is your birthday, you provide drink and food for your family and friends.  It is your day to share -- you are sharing your wealth and good health  with your family and friends.  So after breakfast Michelle,  Lydia, Melanie and TeTe (KiKi's wife) had cake to celebrate KiKi's wealth and health.  KiKi wasn't there he was out but  you still celebrate.  Then the nextdoor neighbors came over later (the 2l and 23year olds) and they had cake. 
Then one of KiKi's cousins who worked in American for two years came over --- more cake.  Michelle and the cousin walked to his house and visited in English and when they got there it was coffee and cake.  The Macedonian culture is based on visiting and eating.  Dinner was soup, potatoes, chicken and peppers.  Michelle was in her room aftr dinner and there was a knock.  It was KiKi asking her to come out and share a celebatory "rockia" with them.   Michelle went to bed with a very full belly that night. 

Did you know that ---When you get sick it's because germs have come thru your feet.  Michelle had the sniffles when she arrived at her host family's home and she was walking around barefoot because it was hot.  So they went out and bought her slippers (a little small) which she now wears around the house so she won't get sick again.

You can never go outside with wet hair.  This is another way that you will get sick.  Michelle said that they will track you down with a blowdryer. 

You can't have more than one window open in a room at a time.  If you do and get a cross breeze it is called "bromia" which is very bad.  Michell has one window in her bedroom which she opens but closes when she leaves. 

That's it for now.  Will post again on Tues.  Kathy 

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